the Scrum Overview diagrams

We have updated and published the Scrum overview diagrams drawn by Tomoharu Nagasawa, Chief Agile Coach and CEO. We welcome your feedback on this overview diagrams.

Scrum Framework overview based on the Scrum Guide 2020

Scrum Framework overview

Three commitments are importance for the Scrum Team and Stakeholders. By focusing on three commitments, this diagram represents the elements of the Scrum framework: responsibilities, artifacts, and events.

Scrum commitments overview based on the Scrum Guide 2020

Scrum commitments overview

This diagram represents the time trend and value if the three commitments, focusing on the relation between them based on Kaizen-Kata. In every Sprints, the Sprint Goal is set to get closer to the Product Goal, and at the end of the Sprint, the Increment is inspected to see if it is getting closer to the Product Goal (Sprint Review with the Scrum Team and Stakeholders).

Scrum and Product Empiricism Overview


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